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Our Team

Gonçalo Azinheira, 17
Olhão, Portugal
Our tasks

   Gonçalo Azinheira supervises the circuitry and verifies all of the components.

Besides that, he is our team leader.

Pedro Dias, 17 

   Pedro Dias is the man behind our website, is responsible for the device’s telemetry, its ability to handle GPS and for making our receptor antenna.


Ricardo Palma, 17
Olhão, Portugal

   Ricardo Palma is the one who selected and made our parachute and will be in charge of the outreach within our school.


   João Castro manages not only the flight, making sure the device is well balanced and can guide itself and that the motors can perform well, but also the data log and the team’s Facebook and Google+ accounts.


João Castro, 17
Olhão, Portugal
Dmytro Golovin, 17
Olhão, Portugal

   Dmytro Golovin is not only in charge of projecting the design(which he has done) and do all the 3D modelling for the structure, but he is also the person behind our youtube channel.



André Rosa, 17
Olhão, Portugal

   André Rosa is entrusted with the verification of all the code and the whole first mission.




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Escola Secundário Dr. Francisco Fernandes Lopes


Av. Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro - Apartado 433
8700-853 Olhão

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