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   To participate in this conquest, our cansat will have to to complete the primary and the secondary missions.

Primary Mission
Secondary Mission

   Each team is free to decide his own secondary mission.

   When two thirds of the fall time are over it will open, separating the outer shell and the flying module (the whole interior) which has all the sensors and controllers and is a quadcopter. From then on to the end of its fall, the flying module will stabilize and guide itself to the preprogrammed coordinates which will be where our workstation is, or very close to it. In the end of the descent the device will deploy a dummy to simulate a real space mission, namely ESA’s Startiger, namely the drone-like deployment device. Beyond that, the device will also film the ground through all its descent and the deployment of the dummy.

   As a scientific objective we asked ourselves “is it possible to remotely and safely deploy a body autonomously using a drone?”

   It is intended to make the device autonomously guide itself using GPS coordinates, record its flight and, finally, to simulate ESA’s Startiger project through the deployment of a dummy using a drone. We chose this mission because we had a genuine interest in learning about robotics, aeronautics and electronics. That, combined with a deep inspiration that came with ESA’s StarTiger made doing a landing device the obvious choice.

   This will be our secondary mission.


   All of the competitors are required to make their cansat do a standard primary mission, which consists in the measuring of the pressure and temperature levels during its fall.

   To this effect we will use a presure sensor, a temperature sensor and a thermistor for good measure, as it also measure temperatures, although in a different way.



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Escola Secundário Dr. Francisco Fernandes Lopes


Av. Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro - Apartado 433
8700-853 Olhão

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